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Apollo LogiSolutions Overview
Apollo LogiSolutions (ALS), a subsidiary of Apollo International Group, is a global integrated logistics company servicing 100+ successful companies. Known for its expertise in supply chain solutions, the company offers a one-stop solution from supply chain opportunity assessment to warehouse management to VAS to transportation to order management. ALS has a wide network of dry ports across all key seaports, manufacturing hubs, and consumption centers in India with a capacity of 0.5+ million TEUs p.a. We are well known for our robust freight forwarding network across 100+ countries covering Asia, Europe, China, Africa. Our differentiating factor is our ability to leverage our state-of-the-art IT communication systems and technology to ensure hassle-free, quick delivery, cost-effective logistics solutions to help our clients gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Industry | Transportation, Logistics and Storage |
Headquarters | Gurgaon, Haryana |
Company size | 501-1,000 employees |
Website | |