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Alfresco Grills Overview
A Commitment to Quality
Alfresco’s state of the art factory located in the City of Industry, California is equipped with the most advanced and finest precision stainless steel fabrication equipment available in the world today. This technology combined with a seasoned team of veteran appliance craftsmen result in truly exceptional outdoor kitchen products.
A Commitment to Innovation
Alfresco’s commitment to innovation has resulted in an incomparable product line for culinary enthusiasts. In fact, no other outdoor kitchen appliance manufacturer has achieved this level of integration, precision and versatility.
A Commitment to Customer Satisfaction and Value
As a product innovation leader, Alfresco is dedicated to assisting its customers with creative design solutions. Our complementary service offers all of the exciting layout and integration options available from Alfresco. Our professional design team assists customers in creating their dream outdoor kitchen. Alfresco’s two-year freedom warranty is unmatched in the industry and is a testament to the longevity of your outdoor kitchen experience.
Inspire yourself. Nurture your culinary genius. Alfresco appliances will make any professional chef feel right at home as well as motivate anyone who wishes to produce masterful creations like a pro. If you can imagine it, you can create it with Alfresco.
Industry | Retail Luxury Goods and Jewelry |
Headquarters | City of Industry, CA |
Website | |