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We are a national distributor of medical equipment and supplies for consumers, hospitals, clinics, doctors, laboratories, surgical centers and healthcare facilities. We are driven by a relentless commitment in providing you with a method of accessing the same quality, brand name medical products that you have been using up until now, but at more reduced, cost effective pricing. We’ve even made it easy to shop on our site. You can shop by condition, by brand, by body part or shop sale items and specific categories. We encourage you to visit some of our most popular categories including medical equipment, medical supplies, mobility equipment, daily living aids, respiratory, incontinence and catheters.
Industry Hospitals and Health Care
Headquarters Lakewood, NJ
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.4mdmedical.com

 Customer Service Number [4MD Medical]:

Customer Service number +1 877 463 5818
Customer Service number +1 732 905 5400

 Support Email(s) [4MD Medical]:

[Customer Service] email
[Customer Service] email
(RX Prescription Drug)
[Customer Service] email
(State and Local Government Education)
[General Info] contact email
[Sales/ Reservations] contact email
