CareMount Medical Customer Service Number
As part of Optum, CareMout Medical jois a atiowide family of dedicated physicias ad care teams workig together to help people live their healthiest lives. As part of a regioal team of over 2,100 providers who serve more tha 1.6 millio pati...
Smile Transitions Customer Service Number
Glidewell Detal's missio is to drive dow restorative costs ad expad patiet access to affordable detistry. Glidewell Detal offers detal products ad services i partership with detists, detal laboratories ad maufacturers to promote ad restore...
Customer Service: +1 888 278 0414Email: [email protected] -
Family Health Centers Of San Diego Customer Service Number
For 50 years, Family Health Ceters of Sa Diego has provided carig, affordable, high-quality health care ad supportive services to everyoe, with a special commitmet to uisured, low-icome ad medically uderserved persos. Our staff provides car...
Customer Service: +1 619 515 2559Email: [email protected] -
American Family Care Customer Service Number
Startig with a sigle locatio i Alabama i 1982, America Family Care (AFC) has pioeered the cocept of o–emergecy room urget care. With its 2013 acquisitio of the Doctors Express frachise, AFC is the atio’s leadig provider of urget care a...
Customer Service: +1 949 207 3786Email: [email protected] -
Optim Healthcare Customer Service Number
UNMATCHED SAFETY.COMPASSIONATE CARE. MISSION Provide demostrably superior healthcare through a purpose-drive partership of exceptioal people. VISION Be the stadard for patiet-first healthcare through the itetioal delivery of safe, high-qu...
University Medical Center Of Southern Nevada Customer Service Number
Uiversity Medical Ceter of Souther Nevada is dedicated to providig the highest level of health care possible by maitaiig its ogoig commitmet to persoal, idividualized care for each patiet.Through the latest treatmet techiques, comfortable s...
Email: [email protected] -
Unity Health Care Customer Service Number
As the largest etwork of commuity health ceters i Washigto, D.C., Uity Health Care (Uity) provides a full-rage of health ad huma services to meet the eeds of our commuities through a etwork of over 20 traditioal ad o-traditioal health sites...
Customer Service: +1 202 715 7984Email: [email protected] -
Truman Medical Centers Customer Service Number
Uiversity Health (UH) has all the thigs you expect from a great health system. With two acute care academic hospital locatios, the largest, most comprehesive behavioral health program i the area, a log-term care facility ad multiple primary...
Customer Service: +1 816 471 2072Email: [email protected] -
South Georgia Medical Center Customer Service Number
South Georgia Medical Ceter is a ot-for-profit, regioal referral hospital dedicated to beig the leader i improvig the health, welless ad quality of life i the commuities it serves. Located i the metropolis of Valdosta, Georgia, SGMC serves...
Sacred Heart Pensacola Customer Service Number
Sacred Heart Health System is Northwest Florida's leadig provider of high quality health care to childre ad adults. The hub of the Health System is the 566-bed Sacred Heart Hospital i Pesacola that icludes the regio's oly facility specializ...
Customer Service: +1 800 874 1026Email: [email protected] -
Rush Health Systems Customer Service Number
“We believe i the trait of huma-kid which makes each ma his brother’s keeper: that the strog will care for the weak.” That simple, powerful priciple, set dow i 1947 as the cocludig lie of the Rush Builder’s Creed, has guided Rush H...
Customer Service: +1 601 483 0011Email: [email protected] -
Resource Solutions Customer Service Number
Established i 1997, Resource Solutios is a provider of Recruitmet Process Outsourcig (RPO) ad Maaged Service Provider (MSP) solutios. As part of the Robert Walters Group – a world-leadig specialist professioal recruitmet cosultacy, our b...
Email: [email protected] -
Metro Health Customer Service Number
We are ow Uiversity of Michiga Health-West. Our ame has chaged. Durig this trasitio period, you may see either Uiversity of Michiga Health-West OR Metro Health- Uiversity of Michiga Health o patiet commuicatios ad billig statemets. Uivers...
Medibank Private Customer Service Number
At Medibak we are motivated by improvig the health of all Australias ad the health of our members. We are passioate about buildig a better health system that is cetred o people, ad sustaiable i the log term. Medibak’s core busiess is the...
Jupiter Medical Center Customer Service Number
Raked #1 for quality, patiet safety ad patiet satisfactio, Jupiter Medical Ceter is the leadig destiatio for world-class health care i Palm Beach Couty ad the greater Treasure Coast. I 2019, the Leapfrog Group amed Jupiter Medical Ceter a...
Icahn School Of Medicine At Mount Sinai Customer Service Number
Dyamic. Creative. Committed. Icah School of Medicie at Mout Siai is proud to stad as a leader i medical ad scietific traiig, biomedical research ad patiet care. Our uwaverig dedicatio to itellectual exchage, multidiscipliary teamwork ad...
Customer Service: +1 212 241 5057Email: [email protected] -
Hong Kong Baptist University Customer Service Number
Back i 1956 Hog Kog Baptist Uiversity was a bold start-up, a private higher educatio istitute bor from othig, save the fudig support from the Baptist Covetio plus the passio of a group of Chiese ad America Christia educators. Like all start...
Customer Service: +8 523 411 7400 -
Glidewell Customer Service Number
Glidewell Detal's missio is to drive dow restorative costs ad expad patiet access to affordable detistry. Glidewell Detal offers detal products ad services i partership with detists, detal laboratories ad maufacturers to promote ad restore...
Customer Service: +571 800 950 6028Email: [email protected] -
FirstHealth of the Carolinas Customer Service Number
FirstHealth of the Carolias is a private, ot-for-profit health care etwork headquartered i Piehurst, NC. Our early 5,000 employees serve 15 couties i the mid-Carolias. Licesed for four hospitals with 610 beds, we are committed to treatig th...
Carbon Health Customer Service Number
Carbo Health is a huma-cetered, tech-eabled healthcare compay — our missio is to remove traditioal boudaries i healthcare ad make high-quality, persoalized care accessible to everyoe....
Customer Service: +1 913 298 2743Email: [email protected]