Quickly find business customer service phone numbers
  • Shoprite Holdings logo
    Shoprite Holdings Customer Service Number

    The Shoprite Group of Compaies, comprisig several icoic brads, is the largest retailer i Africa. It started out as a group of eight grocery stores i 1979, ad has grow ito a techologically-advaced, cotiet-wide busiess sellig items from food,...

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  • Sgs Testcom logo
    Sgs Testcom Customer Service Number

    We are SGS – the world’s leadig testig, ispectio ad certificatio compay. We are recogized as the global bechmark for quality ad itegrity. Our 96,000 employees operate a etwork of 2,600 offices ad laboratories, workig together to eable a...

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  • Seat logo
    Seat Customer Service Number

    SEAT&bsp;is the oly compay that desigs, develops, maufactures ad markets cars i Spai. A member of the Volkswage Group, the multiatioal has its headquarters i Martorell (Barceloa), exportig 80% of its vehicles, ad is preset i over 80 coutrie...

    Customer Service: +3 493 708 5000

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  • Sealed Air Corporation logo
    Sealed Air Corporation Customer Service Number

    Sealed Air helps busiesses succeed i a world of uprecedeted resource challeges. We are a kowledge-based compay, deliverig outcomes that create outstadig value for our customers. Idustries aroud the world are at a turig poit. Global megatre...

    Customer Service: +1 800 648 9093

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  • Savola Group logo
    Savola Group Customer Service Number

    مجموعة صافولا هي مجموعة استثمارية استراتيجية قابضة رائدة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، حيث تملك وتدير محفظة استثمارية لعلامات تج�...

    Customer Service: +96 612 268 7700

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  • Saputo logo
    Saputo Customer Service Number

    Saputo produces, markets, ad distributes a wide array of dairy products of the utmost quality, icludig cheese, fluid milk, exteded shelf-life milk ad cream products, cultured products, ad dairy igrediets. Saputo is oe of the top te dairy pr...

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  • Sapient Consulting logo
    Sapient Consulting Customer Service Number

    Hello, curret, past, ad prospective employees ad cliets! This page is o loger active as we go by a differet ame ow. I case you have’t heard, we merged our legedary brads ito oe global orgaizatio back i 2019. So without further ado, welcom...

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  • Sanderson Farms logo
    Sanderson Farms Customer Service Number

    Saderso Farms is oe of the atio's leadig poultry corporatios, with aual sales of more tha $3.6 billio. Our 17,000 plus employees ad more tha 1,000 idepedet growers are committed to offerig our customers the best products o the market today....

    Customer Service: +1 800 844 4030

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  • Sainsburys logo
    Sainsburys Customer Service Number

    We’ve built a 150-year-old busiess o bright ideas ad bold decisios. Ad othig’s chaged. As the UK’s secod largest retailer, with over 1400 stores ad a huge digital presece, we’re offerig more olie ad i store tha ever before. Smarte...

    Customer Service: +44 800 328 1700

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  • Reyes Holdings logo
    Reyes Holdings Customer Service Number

    Reyes Holdigs is the holdig compay for three busiess uits; Reyes Beer Divisio, Marti Brower ad Reyes Coca-Cola Bottlig. Together, they create the Reyes Family of Busiesses with 31,000 collective employees, over 218,000 customers ad 32 billi...

    Customer Service: +1 800 298 9461

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  • Restaurant Group logo
    Restaurant Group Customer Service Number

    We're The Restaurat Group (TRG for short) ad we're oe of the UK's biggest hospitality busiesses. We have a diverse portfolio of well kow ad much loved brads (Frakie ad Bey’s, Chiquito, Wagamama, Coast to Coast, , Firejacks, Bruig & Pr...

    Customer Service: +44 203 117 5001

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  • RELX Group logo
    RELX Group Customer Service Number

    RELX is a global provider of iformatio-based aalytics for professioal ad busiess customers across idustries. We help scietists make ew discoveries, doctors ad urses improve the lives of patiets ad lawyers wi cases. We prevet olie fraud ad ...

    Customer Service: +1 212 309 8100

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  • Reloc logo
    Reloc Customer Service Number

    Acuity Brads, Ic. is a market-leadig idustrial techology compay. We use techology to solve problems i spaces ad light. Through our two busiess segmets, Acuity Brads Lightig ad Cotrols ("ABL") ad the Itelliget Spaces Group ("ISG"), we desig,...

    Customer Service: +1 800 922 9641

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  • Recipe Unlimited logo
    Recipe Unlimited Customer Service Number

    Fouded i 1883, RECIPE Ulimited Corporatio is Caada's largest full-service restaurat compay. The Compay frachises ad/or operates some of the most recogized brads i the coutry icludig Swiss Chalet, Harvey's, St-Hubert, The Keg, Motaa's, Kelse...

    Customer Service: +1 844 332 1022

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  • Raytheon Technologies logo
    Raytheon Technologies Customer Service Number

    Raytheo Techologies Corporatio is a aerospace ad defese compay that provides advaced systems ad services for commercial, military ad govermet customers worldwide. It icludes four idustry-leadig busiesses—Collis Aerospace, Pratt & Whit...

    Customer Service: +1 520 794 3000

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  • QuestDirect logo
    QuestDirect Customer Service Number

    Quest Diagostics (NYSE: DGX) empowers people to take actio to improve health outcomes. Derived from the world's largest database of cliical lab results, our diagostic isights reveal ew aveues to idetify ad treat disease, ispire healthy beh...

    Customer Service: +1 866 697 8378

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  • PRA Health Sciences logo
    PRA Health Sciences Customer Service Number

    PRA is ow a ICON plc compay. ICON ad PRA have come together as oe, creatig the world’s most advaced healthcare itelligece ad cliical research orgaisatio. We offer the best of both orgaisatios, with a goal to chage the way cliical resea...

    Customer Service: +86 105 709 5218

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  • Penske Used Trucks logo
    Penske Used Trucks Customer Service Number

    Peske Trasportatio Solutios is the umbrella brad for Peske Truck Leasig, Peske Logistics, Epes Trasport Systems, Peske Vehicle Services, ad related busiesses. Our busiesses provide iovative trasportatio, supply chai ad techology solutios to...

    Customer Service: +1 855 237 5689

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  • Penske Logistics logo
    Penske Logistics Customer Service Number

    Peske Logistics is a Peske Trasportatio Solutios compay with operatios i North America, South America, Europe, ad Asia. We provide supply chai maagemet ad logistics solutios to leadig brads aroud the world. Peske Logistics delivers value th...

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  • Patanjali Ayurved logo
    Patanjali Ayurved Customer Service Number

    Patajali Ayurved Limited was established i 2006 with a thought of rural ad urba developmet. The compay is ot merely a orgaizatio but a thought of creatig a healthy society through Yog ad Ayurved. We value our cosumers ad we believe by prov...

    Customer Service: +91 133 461 0111

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