Bosch Ukraine Customer Service Number
The Bosch Group is a leadig global supplier of techology ad services. It employs roughly 401,300 associates worldwide (as of December 31, 2021). Accordig to prelimiary figures, the compay geerated sales of 78.8 billio euros i 2021. Its oper...
alfanar Customer Service Number
alfaar builds efficiet eergy systems & solutios of the preset ad sets up ifrastructures for a brighter future. We assist utility sector parters & customers i trasformig cities ito sustaiable, habitable, ad iclusive Smart Cities by h...
Customer Service: +3 467 748 0842 -
ABB Group Customer Service Number
ABB is a leadig global techology compay that eergizes the trasformatio of society ad idustry to achieve a more productive, sustaiable future. By coectig software to its electrificatio, robotics, automatio ad motio portfolio, ABB pushes the ...
Xylem Customer Service Number
Xylem |ˈzīləm| 1) The tissue i plats that brigs water upward from the roots; 2) a leadig global water techology compay. Xylem, a leadig global water techology compay dedicated to solvig the world’s most challegig water issues, is th...
Customer Service: +1 914 323 5700 -
Worley Customer Service Number
We deliver project ad asset services for the eergy, chemicals ad resources sectors aroud the world. 48,000 people || 49 coutries...
Customer Service: +6 189 278 8111 -
Wood Group Customer Service Number
Wood is a global leader i cosultig ad egieerig across eergy ad the built eviromet, helpig to ulock solutios to some of the world’s most critical challeges. We provide cosultig, projects ad operatios solutios i more tha 60 coutries, employ...
Customer Service: +5 622 957 7700 -
Wesfarmers Customer Service Number
Wesfarmers — a diversified corporatio From its origis i 1914 as a Wester Australia farmers' cooperative, Wesfarmers has grow ito oe of Australia's largest listed compaies. With headquarters i Wester Australia, its diverse busiess operati...
Customer Service: +61 180 001 8888Email: [email protected] -
Weir Customer Service Number
As oe of the world’s leadig egieerig busiesses we work i partership with our customers to solve their toughest operatig challeges safely, efficietly ad sustaiably. We provide origial equipmet ad aftermarket services to miig ad ifrastruct...
Customer Service: +44 141 637 7111 -
Weir Group Customer Service Number
As oe of the world’s leadig egieerig busiesses we work i partership with our customers to solve their toughest operatig challeges safely, efficietly ad sustaiably. We provide origial equipmet ad aftermarket services to miig ad ifrastruct...
Email: [email protected] -
Vmware Customer Service Number
At VMware, we believe that software has the power to ulock ew opportuities for people ad our plaet. We look beyod the barriers of compromise to egieer ew ways to make techologies work together seamlessly. Our compute, cloud, mobility, etwor...
Customer Service: +1 877 486 9273 -
Vertiv Customer Service Number
Vertiv (NYSE: VRT) brigs together hardware, software, aalytics ad ogoig services to eable its customers’ vital applicatios to ru cotiuously, perform optimally ad grow with their busiess eeds. Vertiv solves the most importat challeges faci...
Email: [email protected] -
Valmont Industries Customer Service Number
Valmot Idustries Ic. is a global leader i creatig vital ifrastructure ad advacig agricultural productivity aroud the world. For over 75 years, we have bee committed to Coservig Resources. Improvig Life.® Sice our foudig i 1946, we have pur...
Customer Service: +1 402 359 6038Email: [email protected] -
UST Global Customer Service Number
UST is a global digital trasformatio solutios provider. For more tha 20 years, UST has worked side by side with the world’s best compaies to make a real impact through trasformatio. Powered by techology, ispired by people ad led by purpos...
Customer Service: +632 214 6460 -
Unisys Customer Service Number
Uisys is a global iformatio techology compay that builds high-performace, security-cetric solutios for the most demadig busiesses ad govermets o Earth. Uisys offerigs iclude security software ad services; digital trasformatio ad workplace s...
Customer Service: +1 800 829 1313 -
UNDP Customer Service Number
The Uited Natios Developmet Programme works i early 170 coutries ad territories, helpig to achieve the eradicatio of poverty, ad the reductio of iequalities ad exclusio. We help coutries to develop policies, leadership skills, parterig abil...
Timken Company Customer Service Number
The Timke Compay (NYSE: TKR) is a global idustrial leader with a growig portfolio of egieered bearigs ad power trasmissio solutios. With more tha a cetury of kowledge ad iovatio, we cotiuously improve the reliability ad efficiecy of global ...
Customer Service: +1 651 450 4064 -
Tennessee Valley Authority Customer Service Number
For more tha eight decades, the Teessee Valley Authority has provided affordable electricity, evirometal stewardship ad ecoomic developmet opportuities to the Teessee Valley. TVA was established by Cogress i 1933 to address a wide rage of e...
Teledyne Technologies Customer Service Number
Teledye Techologies is a leadig provider of sophisticated electroic compoets, istrumets & commuicatios products, icludig defese electroics, data acquisitio & commuicatios equipmet for airlies ad busiess aircraft, moitorig ad cotrol ...
Customer Service: +1 805 373 4545 -
Tata Sons Customer Service Number
Fouded by Jamsetji Tata i 1868, the Tata group is a global eterprise headquartered i Idia. The group operates i more tha 100 coutries across six cotiets with a missio 'To improve the quality of life of the commuities we serve globally, thro...
Suncor Energy Customer Service Number
I 1967, we pioeered commercial developmet of Caada's oil sads – oe of the largest petroleum resource basis i the world. Sice the, Sucor has grow to become a globally competitive itegrated eergy compay with a balaced portfolio of high-qual...
Customer Service: +1 866 786 2671Email: [email protected]