First Choice Emergency Room Customer Service Number
First Choice Emergecy Room (FCER.com) is the atio’s leadig etwork of idepedet freestadig emergecy rooms; it is both the largest ad the oldest. First Choice Emergecy Room is revolutioizig the delivery of emergecy medical services for adult...
Marion General Hospital Customer Service Number
For over 100 years, Mario Health has bee the trusted healthcare provider for Grat Couty ad the surroudig areas. We are a ot-for-profit healthcare orgaizatio offerig advaced medical services that are ot ofte foud i rural areas. With state-of...
Customer Service: +1 765 660 7470Email: [email protected] -
Dignity Health Customer Service Number
As the commuity’s oly ot-for-profit, faith-based health system, Digity Health-St. Rose Domiica has bee guided by the visio ad core values of the Adria Domiica Sisters for early 70 years. As the Hederso ad Las Vegas commuities grow, the th...
Customer Service: +1 623 584 5100 -
Crittenton Hospital Medical Center Customer Service Number
Ascesio Providece Rochester Hospital provides a full cotiuum of cliical programs atioally raked for quality excellece ad a medical staff of early 500 physicias, represetig a wide rage of medical specialties providig primary, secodary ad ter...
Customer Service: +1 248 652 5221Email: [email protected] -
Torrance Memorial Medical Center Customer Service Number
Medical Ceter is a 443-bed, oprofit medical ceter established to provide quality health care services predomiatly to the residets of the South Bay, Peisula ad Harbor commuities. Torrace Memorial seeks to offer the most curret ad effective m...
Customer Service: +1 310 325 9110 -
HomeServe UK Customer Service Number
As oe of the UK’s leadig home assistace providers, over two millio UK Customers place their trust i HomeServe Membership ad tur to us whe it comes to fixig, maitaiig ad lookig after their home. I the UK we have over 3,000 employees, off...
Customer Service: +44 330 024 7999Email: [email protected] -
American Family Care Customer Service Number
Startig with a sigle locatio i Alabama i 1982, America Family Care (AFC) has pioeered the cocept of o–emergecy room urget care. With its 2013 acquisitio of the Doctors Express frachise, AFC is the atio’s leadig provider of urget care a...
Customer Service: +1 949 207 3786Email: [email protected] -
Huron Valley Sinai Hospital Customer Service Number
Huro Valley-Siai Hospital (HVSH) is oe of ie hospitals ad istitutes operated by the Detroit Medical Ceter (DMC), a leadig regioal health system. Fouded i 1986, HVSH has more tha doubled i size ad greatly expaded its services to meet the ee...
Customer Service: +1 248 937 3300 -
Washington State Department of Health Customer Service Number
Washigto State Departmet of Health (DOH) works with federal, state, tribal, ad local parters to help people i Washigto stay healthy ad safe. Our programs ad services help prevet illess ad ijury, promote healthy places to live ad work, pro...
Customer Service: +1 360 236 4700 -
University Medical Center Of Southern Nevada Customer Service Number
Uiversity Medical Ceter of Souther Nevada is dedicated to providig the highest level of health care possible by maitaiig its ogoig commitmet to persoal, idividualized care for each patiet.Through the latest treatmet techiques, comfortable s...
Email: [email protected] -
Truman Medical Centers Customer Service Number
Uiversity Health (UH) has all the thigs you expect from a great health system. With two acute care academic hospital locatios, the largest, most comprehesive behavioral health program i the area, a log-term care facility ad multiple primary...
Customer Service: +1 816 471 2072Email: [email protected] -
South Georgia Medical Center Customer Service Number
South Georgia Medical Ceter is a ot-for-profit, regioal referral hospital dedicated to beig the leader i improvig the health, welless ad quality of life i the commuities it serves. Located i the metropolis of Valdosta, Georgia, SGMC serves...
Rush Health Systems Customer Service Number
“We believe i the trait of huma-kid which makes each ma his brother’s keeper: that the strog will care for the weak.” That simple, powerful priciple, set dow i 1947 as the cocludig lie of the Rush Builder’s Creed, has guided Rush H...
Customer Service: +1 601 483 0011Email: [email protected] -
Orange Park Medical Center Customer Service Number
Orage Park Medical Ceter is ow HCA Florida Orage Park Hospital. We are a top healthcare provider i ortheast Florida, with 365 ipatiet beds, ie labor, delivery ad recovery room suites for ew mothers, a Level-2 eoatal itesive care uit (NICU) ...
Customer Service: +1 888 616 5721 -
NextCare Urgent Care Customer Service Number
Whe Feelig Great Ca't Wait! At NextCare® Urget Care , oe of the atio's leadig urget care providers, we're there for you with quality health care you ca trust whe you eed it the most. Daytime, eveigs, weekeds, holidays or after your doct...
Customer Service: +1 800 819 8566Email: [email protected] -
Metro Health Customer Service Number
We are ow Uiversity of Michiga Health-West. Our ame has chaged. Durig this trasitio period, you may see either Uiversity of Michiga Health-West OR Metro Health- Uiversity of Michiga Health o patiet commuicatios ad billig statemets. Uivers...
Medivet UK Customer Service Number
We’re a commuity of passioate veteriary professioals committed to providig truly exceptioal care. We’re set o buildig the most forward-thikig commuity i the veteriary idustry. We’re committed to deliverig first-class care ad customer...
Customer Service: +44 192 347 0000 -
Martin Luther King Jr Community Hospital Customer Service Number
MLK Commuity Healthcare (MLKCH) is a award-wiig health system that provides quality care to the medically-uderserved commuity of South Los Ageles. MLKCH offers emergecy ad ipatiet care through its hospital ad primary ad specialty care thro...
Customer Service: +1 424 338 8000 -
Jupiter Medical Center Customer Service Number
Raked #1 for quality, patiet safety ad patiet satisfactio, Jupiter Medical Ceter is the leadig destiatio for world-class health care i Palm Beach Couty ad the greater Treasure Coast. I 2019, the Leapfrog Group amed Jupiter Medical Ceter a...
Department of water resources of California Customer Service Number
I 1956, the Legislature passed a bill creatig DWR to pla, desig, costruct, ad oversee the buildig of the atio's largest state-built water developmet ad coveyace system. Today, DWR protects, coserves, develops, ad maages much of Califoria's ...
Customer Service: +1 916 653 6192