LOreal Canada Customer Service Number
Leadig the world i beauty ad pioeerig the world of beauty tech; we are 86K employees across 150 coutries o five cotiets. Our 36 iteratioal brads are divided ito four uique Divisios: Luxe, Cosumer Products, Active Cosmetics, ad Professioal...
Mastercard Customer Service Number
Mastercard is a global techology compay i the paymets idustry. Our missio is to coect ad power a iclusive, digital ecoomy that beefits everyoe, everywhere by makig trasactios safe, simple, smart ad accessible. Usig secure data ad etworks, p...
Customer Service: +1 800 627 8372 -
Yamaha Electronics Customer Service Number
Yamaha Corporatio of America (YCA) is oe of the largest subsidiaries of Yamaha Corporatio, Japa ad offers a full lie of award-wiig musical istrumets, soud reiforcemet, commercial istallatio ad home etertaimet products to the U.S. market. YC...
Customer Service: +1 888 601 6296 -
Siemens Customer Service Number
Siemes is a techology compay focused o idustry, ifrastructure, trasport, ad healthcare. From more resource-efficiet factories, resiliet supply chais, ad smarter buildigs ad grids, to cleaer ad more comfortable trasportatio as well as advace...
Customer Service: +49 893 803 5491Email: [email protected] -
Smithfield Foods Customer Service Number
Headquartered i Smithfield, Va. sice 1936, Smithfield Foods, Ic. is a America food compay with agricultural roots ad a global reach. With more tha 60,000 jobs globally, we are dedicated to producig "Good food. Resposibly®" ad serve as oe o...
Customer Service: +1 757 365 3000 -
Burberry Customer Service Number
Fouded i 1856, Burberry today remais a quitessetially British brad, with a closely coected, creative thikig culture at its heart. Burberry believes that to be a great brad it must also be a great compay ad costatly leverages the eergy of it...
Customer Service: +44 203 367 3000Email: [email protected] -
John Lewis Customer Service Number
“The Partership’s ultimate purpose is the happiess of all its members, through their worthwhile ad satisfyig employmet i a successful busiess. Because the Partership is owed i Trust for its members, they share the resp...
Email: [email protected] -
Sitel Group Customer Service Number
As oe of the largest global providers of customer experiece (CX) products ad solutios, Sitel Group® empowers brads to build stroger relatioships with their customers by creatig meaigful coectios that boost brad value. Ispired by each brads...
Email: [email protected] -
Xerox Customer Service Number
For more tha 100 years, Xerox has cotiually redefied the workplace experiece. Haressig our leadership positio i office ad productio prit techology, we’ve expaded ito software ad services to sustaiably power today’s workforce. From the o...
Customer Service: +1 800 821 7726 -
Bayer Customer Service Number
Bayer is a global eterprise with core competecies i the Life Sciece fields of health care ad agriculture. Our products ad services are desiged to beefit people ad improve their quality of life. At the same time, we aim to create value throu...
Customer Service: +1 314 694 1000 -
United Express Customer Service Number
A career is a jourey - take yours farther For over 90 years, we've bee coectig people ad uitig the world. We have seve US hub locatios, icludig hubs i the four largest cities i the Uited States ad over 90,000 employees residig i every U.S....
Global Payments Customer Service Number
Global Paymets (NYSE: GPN) is a Fortue 500 paymets techology compay, deliverig the leadig complete worldwide commerce ecosystem. Our uique, coected ifrastructure uifies every aspect of commerce, from issuer solutios to paymets, ad the iova...
Customer Service: +1 770 829 8234Email: [email protected] -
Qantas Airways Customer Service Number
We ackowledge the Aborigial ad Torres Strait Islader Traditioal Custodias of the lad o which we work, live ad fly. We pay respect to Elders past, preset ad emergig. Beig part of the Qatas team requires each of us to rise to differet cha...
Customer Service: +6 113 1223 -
Jio Customer Service Number
Make a ew start. A start that will build beautiful relatioships, shape millios of ideas. Eable a ew way to live, lear, work ad play. At Jio, we build products ad services of the future&bsp;to empower billios of Idias make their dreams a re...
Customer Service: +911 800 896 9999Email: [email protected] -
Syndicate Bank Customer Service Number
Welcome to erstwhile Sydicate Bak - Now Caara Bak w.e.f 01st April 2020. Visit our website for all iformatio o our bakig products ad services...
Customer Service: +9118 003 011 3333 -
Novitex Customer Service Number
Exela Techologies, Ic. (“Exela”) is a locatio-agostic global busiess process automatio ("BPA") leader combiig idustry-specific ad multi-idustry-agostic eterprise software ad solutios with decades of experiece. Our BPA suite of soluti...
Orange Customer Service Number
Orage is oe of the world’s leadig telecommuicatios operators with sales of 42.3 billio euros i 2020 ad 142,000 employees worldwide at 31 December 2020, icludig 82,000 employees i Frace. The Group has a total customer base of 259 millio cu...
Customer Service: +3 396 932 0489 -
Coles Customer Service Number
At Coles Group, we’re all about our ‘why’ – our purpose – to sustaiably feed all Australias to help them live healthier, happier lives. Ad i these curret times, this has ever bee more importat. Coles Group is oe of Australia’s...
Customer Service: +61 180 006 1562Email: [email protected] -
Under Armour Customer Service Number
Uder Armour has oe missio: to make you better. The Brad was created o a football field i 1996 whe Uiversity of Marylad special teams captai Kevi Plak looked dow at his heavy, sweaty cotto T-shirt ad thought: there has got to be somethig bet...
Customer Service: +1 888 727 6687 -
HBC Customer Service Number
HBC is a holdig compay of ivestmets ad busiesses at the itersectio of techology, retail operatios ad real estate. It is the majority ower of icoic ecommerce compaies: Saks, a leadig olie destiatio for luxury fashio, ad Saks OFF 5TH, a prem...
Customer Service: +1 866 601 5105